Log started at 23.05.2011 15:41
00:00.000 INFO [0] .\ProjectE6.cpp (410) Application version: 1.11 Build 286
00:00.139 INFO [0] .\Main3dDevice.cpp (37) 3D device created - Ok
00:00.289 INFO [0] .\SoundSystem.cpp (122) Creating and initializing audio system succeeded
00:01.654 ERROR [0] .\Monster\Epaulets.cpp (160) Epaulets not found: Algeira Guards None
00:01.654 ERROR [1] .\Monster\Epaulets.cpp (160) Epaulets not found: Guerillas Indian_Soldiers None
00:01.690 ERROR [0] .\Parser\TextParser.cpp (683) Error parsing : 'Speed' found, int expected
00:01.936 WARNING1 [0] .\Items\items.cpp (4212) Info == 0
00:01.964 INFO [0] .\Fx\effmanager.cpp (190) Creating and initializing audio system...
00:02.571 INFO [0] .\ZApp.cpp (847) Entering main program loop...
00:05.658 INFO [0] .\LoadGame.cpp (834) Loading saved game: Saves\Fast0.286.azp
00:06.978 WARNING0 [0] .\Bitmap\Bitmap.cpp (649) hr == ((HRESULT)0x00000000L)
00:06.984 WARNING0 [1] .\Bitmap\Bitmap.cpp (649) hr == ((HRESULT)0x00000000L)
00:09.480 INFO [0] .\LoadGame.cpp (1209) Game loaded.
00:24.422 INFO [0] .\Engine\World.cpp (427) Loading world 'Media.pack\LAS_VACASIONES'
00:26.250 ERROR [0] .\Monster\Wearing.cpp (218) Soldier monster has no rank
> Exception C0000005 at 0x004A0610
>-------------------- Call stack ---------------------------
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x004A0610
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00689DE4
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x0041C9C0
E6.exe 0x0040 0000 0x006ADBE4
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x006BD70A
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x005EC0CF
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x004A06DF
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x005EB 68F
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x0059EBED
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x0059EFA4
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C91080B
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C910940
n tdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C91005D
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C910940
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C9100B8
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C910041
n tdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C91005D
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C91005D
kernel32.dll 0x7C800000 0x7C8099FD
kernel32.dll 0x7C800000 0x7C80260 0
kernel32.dll 0x7C800000 0x7C802600
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x005EAA4E
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00559D5C
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x0059F0FE
E 6.exe 0x00400000 0x006BD7C5
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x005D84D8
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x004648E1
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00457979
E6.exe 0x0040 0000 0x00457B05
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x004071B1
USER32.dll 0x7E360000 0x7E38E18A
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x0040C6B6
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x0 05EA4DE
USER32.dll 0x7E360000 0x7E368816
USER32.dll 0x7E360000 0x7E37A013
USER32.dll 0x7E360000 0x7E37A998
USER32.dll 0x7E360000 0x7E368816
USER32.dll 0x7E360000 0x7E3689CD
USER32.dll 0x7E360000 0x7E37A43B
USER32.dll 0x7E360000 0x7E3696C7
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x005E2A73
> Crash dump successfully saved to Log\2011_05_23_15_41.dmp
00:27.421 INFO [0] .\ProjectE6.cpp (620) Unexpected program termination.