Log started at 12.10.2010 14:57
00:00.000 INFO [0] .\ProjectE6.cpp (410) Application version: 1.11 Build 286
00:00.465 INFO [0] .\Main3dDevice.cpp (37) 3D device created - Ok
00:00.822 INFO [0] .\SoundSystem.cpp (122) Creating and initializing audio system succeeded
00:00.844 WARNING1 [0] .\Video\BinkPlayer.cpp (41) Bink
00:00.845 WARNING1 [1] .\Video\BinkPlayer.cpp (41) Bink
00:02.451 ERROR [0] .\Monster\Epaulets.cpp (160) Epaulets not found: Algeira Guards None
00:02.452 ERROR [1] .\Monster\Epaulets.cpp (160) Epaulets not found: Guerillas Indian_Soldiers None
00:02.905 ERROR [0] .\Items\items.cpp (697) Item not found by name: 'Galil bipod'
00:02.923 INFO [0] .\Fx\effmanager.cpp (190) Creating and initializing audio system...
00:04.456 INFO [0] .\ZApp.cpp (847) Entering main program loop...
00:21.159 ERROR [0] .\Parser\TextParser.cpp (577) Error parsing : 'Item"Pistol' found, 'Item' expected
00:21.159 ERROR [1] .\Items\items.cpp (697) Item not found by name: ' Level 1 Price 7300.0
Item '
00:21.159 FATAL [0] .\Shop\ShopEconomics.cpp (324) Invalid item in economy: ' Level 1 Price 7300.0
Item ', shop: Эмилиано Хос_16973
> Exception C0000005 at 0x004E5442
>-------------------- Call stack ---------------------------
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x004E5442
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x006ADBE4
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00473457
E6.exe 0x0040 0000 0x006BE2EE
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x004E653A
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x004E6575
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x004DDCF9
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C 9106EB
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x006BD70A
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00697DDC
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00697E84
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x005B0D27
nt dll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C910732
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C910732
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C9106EB
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C910732
nt dll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C910732
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C910732
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C9106EB
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C910732
nt dll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C9106EB
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x006BEBA9
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x006BEBA9
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x0069965A
E6.exe 0x00 400000 0x0069965A
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x006BEBA9
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x006994C1
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x006998D0
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x006 98137
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00401040
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00698137
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00401040
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00698137
E6. exe 0x00400000 0x00401040
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00698137
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C9105C8
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C910551
ntdll.dll 0x7C900000 0x7C91056D
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00401040
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00698137
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00698137
E6.exe 0x00400000 0 x00401040
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00698137
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00401040
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00698137
E6.exe 0x00400000 0x00698137
> Crash dump successfully saved to Log\2010_10_12_14_57.dmp
00:27.077 INFO [0] .\ProjectE6.cpp (620) Unexpected program termination.